Magnum One
Magnum One (Mid-American Digital) (Disc Manufacturing).iso
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Text File
1,154 lines
// H O S T . S L T
// Copyright (C) 1988 PTel and Colin Sampaleanu
// This is a Host Mode for Telix, written as a script file.
// Ton configure Host Mode parameters such as passwords, run the 'HCONFIG'
// script. That script is run automatically if the Host Mode ocnfiguration
// file 'HOST.CNF' is missing.
// This script will only work with Hayes compatible modems, but may be
// modified for operation with other modems.
// ------------ ------
// This version of the Telix Host Script File has been modified by:
// Lawrence Stone, Lawrence Stone Research Group, April, 1990 -LSR
// Note: All modifications by me can be found by searching this script
// for the initials, "LSR".
// The following are modifications to the original Host Script file:
// 1. Requires level II password before caller can access the
// shell command. Shell still needs separate password.
// 2. Requires level II password before caller can access the
// shut down host command. Still requires separate password.
// 3. The do_one_caller routine would erroneously trap ARQ modems
// in the if expression, "if (!determine_baud())". This was
// corrected by adding {} symbols below the if statement. The
// original expression failed to work because there wasn't any
// command immediately below the if expression, only a remark
// to "do something here if this is a problem" (at least in my
// first copy of the host script). The {} symbols properly define
// the limits of this if expression.
// 4. When the caller shells to DOS, the original script would
// write a batch file to control the shell, call DOS to
// execute the batch, then, upon return to the program, close
// the file just written to. Because the file was left open,
// Telix could not run it - the batch file must be closed first!
// Therefore, this script properly closes the file prior to
// having DOS run the batch. (Note that new releases of Telix
// have corrected this error.)
// 5. I discovered that if high speed, ARQ modems (HST, dual standard,
// etc.) are calling a non-hand shaking modem (like my 2400 baud)
// then, binary characters would dump into the current_caller
// string. Worse, although you would see these characters from
// the host computer, the caller would not see anything, just a
// blinking cursor. I corrected the script to work with ARQ modems
// by adding the command, type_file("SYNC.MSG") <included with this
// script> and by increasing the initial delay from 1/10 second to
// five seconds. The SYNC.MSG file forces high speed modems to
// synchronize on it's text <ie, a substitute for a handshake> and
// the increase in delay time allows high speed modems to settle in.
// Note that callers using ARQ modems will *not* see the SYNC.MSG on
// their consoles but, non-ARQ callers *will* see this message!
// These changes are found in the do_one_caller routine.
// 6. Added dooR option to menu. This option requires that the user
// creates a batch file called, RSHELL.BAT to run the door program.
// It also requires level 2 password to access.
// 7. Added automatic log enteries to the host log as soon as a
// call is received, and when ever a caller types any password,
// or tries to go to a DOS shell, or returns from a DOS shell,
// or tries to shut down the host mode. Also logs when user
// enters or exits chat mode, lists any file, types any file, or
// attempts to access the door. Each call received is now seper-
// ated by a 47 character string of "=" symbols. This allows easy
// recognition of each call received while listing the log.
// 8. Added PUMA external transfer protocal. Added automatic log
// enteries whenever the user starts and ends Puma transfers.
// Parameters which can be configured
str pass1[8] = "host", // The level 1 pass
pass2[8] = "host2", // The level 2 pass
shellpass[8] = "shell", // the pass to enter the Remote Shell
shutpass[8] = "shut", // the pass to shut down the Host Mode
host_downloads[64], // where users may download from
host_uploads[64]; // where uploaded files go
int direct_connect = 0;
str current_caller[31], // storage of current caller's name
conn300[] = "CONNECT^M", // modem result messages for bauds
conn1200[] = "CONNECT 1200",
conn2400[] = "CONNECT 2400",
conn9600[] = "CONNECT 9600",
conn19200[] = "CONNECT 19200";
int finished_caller, // set to TRUE when must return to top
local_mode, // set to TRUE when local test mode
access_level, // access level of current caller
carrier_counts = 1, // TRUE if should watch Carrier signal
already_connected = 0,
exit_requested = 0, // set to TRUE if Sysop has pressed Esc
connection_lost = 0, // set to TRUE when carrier lost
kill_user = 0; // set to TRUE when user must be purged
int old_scr_chk_key, // storage for some system variables
old_cisb_auto, // which we have to modify and put
old_zmod_auto, // back to what they were when done
str old_down_dir[64],
int c;
if (read_host_config_file() == -1)
prints("Unable to read HOST.CNF...");
prints("Running HCONFIG, the Host Mode configuration script.^M^J");
if (read_host_config_file() == -1)
prints("Still unable to read HOST.CNF. Aborting Host Mode.^M^J");
return -1;
if (!check_directories())
prints("Either the upload or download directory as defined in the HOST.CNF file");
prints("doesn't exist. Either create the missing directory with the DOS 'MKDIR'");
prints("command, or run the HCONFIG script to redefine what directories to use.");
prints("Aborting Host Mode.");
return -1;
old_scr_chk_key = _scr_chk_key;
_scr_chk_key = 0;
old_cisb_auto = _cisb_auto;
_cisb_auto = 0;
old_zmod_auto = _zmod_auto;
_zmod_auto = 0;
old_sound = _sound_on;
_sound_on = 0;
old_down_dir = _down_dir;
_down_dir = host_uploads; // these are reversed because we are now the Host
old_up_dir = _up_dir;
_up_dir = host_downloads; // these are reversed because we are now the Host
if (direct_connect)
carrier_counts = 0;
carrier_counts = 1;
if (!direct_connect && carrier())
already_connected = 1;
if (!direct_connect && !already_connected)
prints("Initializing modem");
while (1)
finished_caller = kill_user = 0;
if (direct_connect)
carrier_counts = 0;
carrier_counts = 1;
if (!direct_connect)
prints("^M^JHost Mode: Waiting for call...");
prints("(Press Esc to exit, or 'L' for local test mode).^M^J");
if (carrier())
local_mode = 0;
c = inkey();
if (c)
if (c == 27)
exit_requested = 1;
else if (c == 'l' || c == 'L') // local test mode
prints("Local test mode entered");
local_mode = 1;
carrier_counts = 0;
while (toupper(c) != 'L');
if (!exit_requested)
prints("Incoming call. Sysop: press Esc to exit, or END to terminate user.");
if ((connection_lost || kill_user) && carrier_counts && carrier())
hangup(); // make sure nobody sneaks in
already_connected = 0;
if (exit_requested)
if (!carrier() && !direct_connect)
_scr_chk_key = old_scr_chk_key;
_cisb_auto = old_cisb_auto;
_zmod_auto = old_zmod_auto;
_sound_on = old_sound;
_down_dir = old_down_dir;
_up_dir = old_up_dir;
prints("^M^JHost mode script finished.");
return 1;
str strn[80],
// -LSR
puma_down[66] = "s ", // Using PUMA for external protocal
puma_up[66] = "r "; // Note that the user's download
// is actually PUMA's send command
// and upload is PUMA's receive!
// -LSR
int option,
c, i, i2, f;
access_level = 1;
if (already_connected)
prints("Already Connected!");
else if (carrier_counts)
if (!determine_baud())
// this should not be a problem - if it is then do something here.
// The {} symbols added to define the limits of the if expression. - LSR
delay(50); // 5 second delay lets ARQ modems settle -LSR
type_file("SYNC.MSG"); // Allow ARQ modems to sync in through a short
// script file -LSR
while (1)
host_send("Please enter your full name: ");
host_input_strn(current_caller, 30);
if (finished_caller)
if (strlen(current_caller) >= 5)
// Let's clearly mark where the logon starts! -LSR
ustamp("New Logon =====================================", 1, 1);
ustamp("Called by: ", 1, 0); // Who's calling - even if s/he fails to type
ustamp(current_caller, 0, 1); // the correct password, we need to know -LSR
access_level = ask_for_pass(3, pass1, pass2);
if (access_level) // Did current_caller use a valid logon password? -LSR
ustamp("Valid logon by ", 1, 0);
ustamp("Invalid logon by ", 1, 0);
ustamp(current_caller, 0, 1);
if (!access_level)
if (carrier_counts)
while (1)
if (finished_caller)
host_send("^M^JFiles Type Upload Download dooR Shell Chat Goodbye ? ");
host_input_strn(strn, 1);
option = toupper(subchr(strn, 0));
if (option == 'F') // Files directory
if (access_level == 2)
host_send("Enter 'filespec' or press Return for *.*,^M^J: ");
host_input_strn(fname, 64);
if (just_filename(fname))
strn = host_downloads;
strcat(strn, fname);
strn = fname;
strn = host_downloads;
strcat(strn, "*.*");
ustamp("User listed files: ", 1, 0); // Log which file(s) listed -LSR
ustamp(strn, 0, 1);
if (local_mode)
show_directory(strn, 0, carrier_counts);
show_directory(strn, 1, carrier_counts);
else if (option == 'T') // Type a file
host_send("Type what file? ");
host_input_strn(strn, 64);
if (access_level != 2) // if access 1, name and ext only
fnstrip(strn, 3, fname);
fname = strn;
if (just_filename(fname))
strn = host_downloads;
strcat(strn, fname);
fname = strn;
if (!filefind(fname, 0, strn))
host_send("Unable to find ");
ustamp("User typed file: ", 1, 0); //Log which file(s) were typed -LSR
ustamp(fname, 0, 1);
else if (option == 'G') // Goodbye (Hang-up)
ustamp("User logged off.", 1, 1);
if (carrier_counts)
else if (option == 'C') // Chat mode
prints("Sysop: Press Space to chat, any other key not to.^M^J");
c = 0;
_sound_on = 1;
for (i = 8; i && !c; --i)
if (carrier_counts && !carrier())
prints("^M^JConnection has been lost, call terminated.^M^J");
connection_lost = 1;
finished_caller = 1;
tone(523, 20);
tone(659, 20);
tone(523, 20);
tone(659, 20);
tone(523, 20);
tone(659, 20);
for (i2 = 30; i2 && (c = inkey()) == 0; --i2)
_sound_on = 0;
if (finished_caller)
if (c != ' ' || !c)
host_send("Sorry, the Sysop is unavailable^M^J");
host_send("The sysop is here!^M^J");
ustamp("User entered Chat mode.", 1, 1); //Log this activity -LSR
ustamp("User exited Chat mode.", 1, 1); //Log end of chat -LSR
else if (option == 'U') // User upload
option = host_get_prot();
if (!option)
status = 1;
if (option == 'T' || option == 'M' || option == 'S' ||
option == 'Y' || option == 'Z' || option == 'E')
status = receive(option, "");
if (option == 'P') // PUMA external transfer protocal -LSR
if (!filefind("PUMA.EXE", 23, strn)) // Modify if not in Telix's
{ // subdirectory or pathed -LSR
host_send("^M^JSorry - Puma Protocol is Not Installed!^M^J");
host_send("Upload what file? ");
host_input_strn(strn, 48);
if (!strn)
if (access_level != 2) // if access 1, name and ext only
fnstrip(strn, 3, fname);
fname = strn;
if (just_filename(fname))
strn = host_uploads;
strcat(strn, fname);
fname = strn;
if (filefind(fname, 23, strn))
host_send("File already exists!^M^J");
if (option == 'P') // PUMA external transfer protocal -LSR
strn = puma_up;
strupper(fname); // Make fname upper case -LSR
strcat(strn, fname); // Concatenate the PUMA's argument -LSR
fname = strn;
ustamp("Download using Puma protocol.", 1, 1); // Log the protocal used-LSR
ustamp("++ File : ", 1, 0); // Log file(s) received from user -LSR
ustamp(fname, 0, 1);
run("PUMA ", strn, 0); // Run the external protocal, PUMA -LSR
ustamp("Returned to Telix from Puma protocol.", 1, 1); // Log the return-LSR
status = receive(option, fname);
if (status == -2) // Carrier lost
connection_lost = finished_caller = 1;
else if (status == -1)
host_send("^GOne or more files not received!^M^J");
else if (option == 'D') // User download
option = host_get_prot();
if (!option)
if (option == 'P') // PUMA external transfer protocal -LSR
if (!filefind("PUMA.EXE", 23, strn)) // Modify if not in Telix's
{ // subdirectory or pathed -LSR
host_send("^M^JSorry - Puma Protocol is Not Installed!^M^J");
host_send("Download what file(s)? ");
host_input_strn(strn, 48);
if (!strn)
if (access_level != 2) // if not level 2, keep only name & ext
fnstrip(strn, 3, fname);
fname = strn;
if (just_filename(fname))
strn = host_downloads;
strcat(strn, fname);
fname = strn;
if (!filefind(fname, 0, strn))
host_send("Unable to find any matching file(s)!^M^J");
if (option == 'P') // PUMA external transfer protocal -LSR
strn = puma_down;
strupper(fname); // Make fname upper case -LSR
strcat(strn, fname); // Concatenate the PUMA's argument -LSR
fname = strn;
ustamp("Upload using Puma protocol.", 1, 1); // Log the protocal used -LSR
ustamp("++ File : ", 1, 0); // Log the files sent to the user -LSR
ustamp(fname, 0, 1);
run("PUMA ", strn, 0); // Run the external protocal, PUMA -LSR
ustamp("Returned to Telix from Puma protocol.", 1, 1); // Log the return-LSR
status = 1;
status = send(option, fname);
if (status == -2) // Carrier lost
connection_lost = finished_caller = 1;
else if (status == -1)
host_send("^GOne or more files not received!^M^J");
else if (option == 'R') // Door - accessed via RSHELL.BAT -LSR
ustamp("Attempt to access Host Door Mode.", 1, 1); //Log attempt -LSR
if (access_level != 2) // If you didn't use the host2 password
{ // then you can't use the door -LSR
host_send("^M^JYou do not have Door privileges - Access to Door is denied!^M^J");
ustamp("Attempt to access Host Door - Denied!", 1, 1);
continue; // Someone tried who shouldn't have -LSR
if (get_baud() == 300)
// See if user has prepared a custom file for door operation
// and call that if it exists -LSR
if (filefind("RSHELL.BAT", 0, strn))
{ // Let's track any access into DOS, even if it's a door -LSR
ustamp("Entered DOS shell - Custom Door File.", 1, 1);
dos("RSHELL.BAT", 0);
ustamp("Returned from Custom Door.", 1, 1); //How long in door? -LSR
host_send("^M^JSorry Custom Door is Not Installed!^M^J");
// Log it, even if it failed. -LSR
ustamp("Failed to open Custom Door batch file.", 1, 1);
else if (option == 'S') // Remote shell
{ // Log it from the get-go -LSR
ustamp("Attempt to access DOS shell.", 1, 1); // Log the attemp -LSR
if (access_level != 2) // If you didn't use the host2 password
{ // then you can't use the shell -LSR
host_send("^M^JYou do not have SysOp privileges - Access to shell is denied!^M^J");
ustamp("Attempt to access DOS shell - Denied!", 1, 1);
} // Someone tried who shouldn't have -LSR
else if (ask_for_pass(3, shellpass, shellpass) != 0)
host_send("Type EXIT and then press Enter to come back.^M^J");
if (get_baud() == 300)
if (local_mode)
ustamp("Entered DOS shell - Local Mode.", 1, 1); // Track it! -LSR
dos("", 0);
ustamp("Returned from DOS shell.", 1, 1); // How long in shell? -LSR
else // otherwise make our own temporary batch file for redirection
// now want to make a temporary batch file which will be called
// to redirect DOS input and output, then shell to another copy
f = fopen("HOSTTEMP.BAT", "w");
if (f)
if (get_port() != 1 && get_port() != 2)
host_send("Remote Shell not supported on this comm port due to DOS limits!^M^J");
strn = "COMx";
setchr(strn, 3, get_port() + '0'); // get right name to redirect
fputs("CTTY ", f); // write to batch file
fputs(strn, f);
fputs("^M^JCOMMAND ^M^J", f);
fputs("CTTY CON^M^J", f);
fputs("EXIT^M^J", f);
fclose(f); // close file *before* shelling! -LSR
if (!local_mode) // call batch file
{ // Better track this one! -LSR
ustamp("Entered DOS shell - Remote Access.", 1, 1);
dos("HOSTTEMP.BAT", 0);
ustamp("Returned from DOS shell.", 1, 1);
} // How long in the shell? -LSR
host_send("Can't open temporary batch file!^M^J");
// Log it, even if it failed. -LSR
ustamp("Failed to open batch file for the DOS shell.", 1, 1);
// Shut down Host Mode *only* if logon was with host2 password -LSR
else if (option == '^Z' && access_level == 2)
host_send("Shut down Host mode. ");
ustamp("Attempt to shut down host mode.", 1, 1); // Log this one!! -LSR
if (!ask_for_pass(3, shutpass, shutpass))
{ // Track it! Someone is doing a no-no -LSR
ustamp("Attempt to shut down Host Mode - Denied!", 1, 1);
if (carrier_counts)
ustamp("User shut down Host Mode.", 1, 1);
finished_caller = 1;
exit_requested = 1;
str prot[1];
host_send("^M^JModem7 SEAlink Xmodem 1k-Xmodem G-1k-Xmodem Ymodem YmodEm-g Zmodem Puma^M^J");
host_send("Which protocol? ");
host_input_strn(prot, 1);
if (strposi("MSX1GYEZP", prot, 0) == -1) // if illegal prot
prot = ""; // return 0
return (toupper(subchr(prot, 0)));
host_send("Ready to transfer file(s)... Press Ctrl-X at least twice to abort^M^J");
// Determine the baud rate once a Carrier Detect Signal has been detected
// Since no characters were read, the 'CONNECT' string should still be
// in the receive buffer.
int t3, t12, t24, t96, t192;
int tmark, stat;
int new_baud = 0;
printsc("Determining baud... ");
track_free(0); // clear all existing tracks
t3 = track(conn300, 0); // check for connect strings
t12 = track(conn1200, 0);
t24 = track(conn2400, 0);
t96 = track(conn9600, 0);
t192 = track(conn19200, 0);
tmark = timer_start(30); // wait up to 3 seconds for string
while (!time_up(tmark))
if (!carrier())
track_free(0); // clear all existing tracks
return 0;
if (cinp_cnt())
stat = track_hit(0);
if (stat == 0)
if (stat == t3)
new_baud = 300;
else if (stat == t24)
new_baud = 2400;
else if (stat == t96)
new_baud = 9600;
else if (stat == t192)
new_baud = 19200;
new_baud = 1200;
break; // have baud rate, get out
if (!new_baud) // time-up without CONNECT string
track_free(0); // clear all existing tracks
return 0;
set_cparams(new_baud, get_parity(), get_datab(), get_stopb());
track_free(0); // clear all existing tracks
return 1; // indicate success
type_file(str fname)
int f;
str buf[100];
int ichar, lines_sent = 0;
f = fopen(fname, "r");
if (!f)
return -1;
while (1)
if (carrier_counts)
if (!carrier())
connection_lost = 1;
finished_caller = 1;
return 0;
if (fgets(buf, 80, f) == -1)
return 1;
if (lines_sent >= 22)
lines_sent = 0;
if (finished_caller) // if user inactivity
return 0;
host_send("^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H^H ^H");
while (cinp_cnt())
ichar = cgetc();
if (ichar == '^C' || ichar == '^K')
return 1;
host_send(str outstr)
if (!local_mode)
host_send_c(int chr)
if (!local_mode)
host_input_strn(str buf, int maximum)
int i = 0, key;
while (1)
key = host_input();
if (!key) // timeout or user disconnect
setchr(buf, 0, 0); // set string to empty
return 0; // indicate there is a problem
if (key == '^M')
if (key == 127 || key == 8)
if (i)
if (i < maximum)
setchr(buf, i, key);
i = i + 1;
i = i + 1;
if (i > maximum)
i = maximum;
setchr(buf, i, '^0');
if (subchr(buf, 0))
return 1;
return 0;
int c;
int t;
t = timer_start(2400); // 4 minutes inactivity allowed
while (1)
if (time_up(t) && !direct_connect)
host_send("^M^J^M^JInactivity period too long. Connection terminated!^M^J");
if (carrier_counts)
finished_caller = 1;
kill_user = 1;
return 0;
if (carrier_counts)
if (!carrier())
prints("^M^JConnection has been lost, call terminated.^M^J");
connection_lost = 1;
finished_caller = 1;
return 0;
if ((c = inkey()) != 0)
if (c == 27) // ESC key, sysop wants to exit
finished_caller = 1;
exit_requested = 1;
return 0;
else if (c == 0x4f00) // END key, temrinate user
prints("^M^JUser terminated!");
ustamp("User terminated!", 1, 1);
if (carrier_counts)
finished_caller = 1;
kill_user = 1;
return 0;
else if (c <= 255)
if (c != 8 && c != 127)
return c;
if (!local_mode)
if (cinp_cnt())
c = cgetc();
if (c != 8 && c != 127)
return c;
ask_for_pass(int maxtries, str pass1, str pass2)
int i;
str strn[8];
for (i = 0; i < maxtries; ++i)
if (i)
host_send("Wrong! Try again.^M^J");
host_send("Password: ");
host_input_strn(strn, 8);
ustamp("Typed Password: ", 1, 0); //Log the password that was typed -LSR
ustamp(strn, 0, 1);
if (finished_caller)
return 0;
if (!strcmpi(strn, pass1))
return 1;
if (!strcmpi(strn, pass2))
return 2;
host_send("No more chances. Access denied.^M^J");
return 0;
str s[80];
int f, stat;
s = _telix_dir;
strcat(s, "HOST.CNF");
f = fopen(s, "r");
if (!f)
printsc("Can't open ");
return -1;
stat = fgets(s, 80, f);
if (stat == -1)
goto got_error;
pass1 = s;
stat = fgets(s, 80, f);
if (stat == -1)
goto got_error;
pass2 = s;
stat = fgets(s, 80, f);
if (stat == -1)
goto got_error;
shellpass = s;
stat = fgets(s, 80, f);
if (stat == -1)
goto got_error;
shutpass = s;
stat = fgets(s, 80, f);
if (stat == -1)
goto got_error;
host_downloads = s;
stat = fgets(s, 80, f);
if (stat == -1)
goto got_error;
host_uploads = s;
stat = fgets(s, 80, f);
if (stat == -1)
goto got_error;
direct_connect = (toupper(subchr(s, 0)) == 'D');
return 1;
// jump here if error
return -1;
str s[80];
int i, a;
// first remove trailing slashes
s = host_uploads;
i = strlen(s);
if (i > 0)
if (subchr(s, i - 1) == '\' || subchr(s, i - 1) == '/')
setchr(s, i - 1, 0);
if (s && !(strlen(s) == 2 && subchr(s, 1) == ':'))
a = fileattr(s);
if (a == -1 || !(a & 16))
return 0; // not a directory or doesn't exist
s = host_downloads;
i = strlen(s);
if (i > 0)
if (subchr(s, i - 1) == '\' || subchr(s, i - 1) == '/')
setchr(s, i - 1, 0);
if (s && !(strlen(s) == 2 && subchr(s, 1) == ':'))
a = fileattr(s);
if (a == -1 || !(a & 16))
return 0; // not a directory or doesn't exist
return 1;
// returns TRUE if passed filespec is just a filename. Also handles the
// forward slash as a path separator.
just_filename(str filespec)
int slash, space;
if (strpos(filespec, ":", 0) != -1)
return 0;
if (strpos(filespec, "\", 0) != -1)
return 0;
if ((slash = strpos(filespec, "/")) == -1)
return 1;
space = strpos(filespec, " ");
if (space == -1)
return 0;
if (space < slash)
return 1;
return 0;